Let’s make this easy. If you want to install Renogy solar panels on your van, check out the video right here. But if you need even more help and some extra details, scroll down a bit further for the step-by-step written version. Either way, by the end of it, your solar panels will be installed and you’ll have all the electricity you could need…if you’ve designed the electrical system correctly.
Designing Your Van’s Electrical System
Your Van’s Electrical System
Many people fund their VanLife in many different ways. e.g. Seasonal/temporary work, disability, and retirement. But if you’re like me — working full-time, remotely — then the electrical system almost becomes the most important thing.
How will you continue working if you can’t charge your phone, cameras, laptop, and turn on some lights? (Not to mention staving off boredom by watching movies on your computer.) And if you can’t keep working, how will you afford to do this full-time, year round? And have you thought about refrigeration for your food?
Here are several different electrical system configurations based on your needs and budget. [Read more…]